Top Tips for Extending the Lifespan of Your Electric Forklift Batteries

Electric forklifts are a vital component of many industries, offering a clean, efficient, and reliable means of moving goods within warehouses, factories, and distribution centers. However, to maximize their efficiency and longevity, it’s crucial to maintain their most important (and sometimes most ignored) component—the battery. Proper care and maintenance can significantly extend the lifespan of your electric forklift batteries, ensuring that your equipment runs smoothly and reducing costly downtime. Here are some top tips to help you get the most out of your electric forklift batteries.

1. Regularly Check Water Levels

Maintaining the correct water level is critical for the health of your forklift battery. The water level should be checked at least once a week, and only distilled water should be used. Overfilling can lead to spillage, while underfilling can expose the lead plates to air, causing damage and reducing battery life. Always fill after the battery is fully charged and cooled down to ensure proper levels. Consider using battery watering systems to help reduce the time it takes to perform watering, but make sure to double check that all cells are being watered properly!

2. Follow a Proper Charging Routine

Charging your electric forklift battery correctly is crucial for extending its lifespan. Many customers are utilizing opportunity or fast charging, charging the battery in short bursts throughout the day, so make sure your battery and charger set up is designed for this type of charging. Opportunity charging, if done improperly, can lead to overheating and shorten battery life. As much as you can, charge the battery when it’s between 20% and 30% to prevent deep discharging, which can cause irreparable damage. Additionally, always allow the battery to cool down before using it again after charging.

3. Ensure Clean and Dry Battery Terminals

Dirt and corrosion on battery terminals can interfere with the connection between the battery and the forklift, leading to poor performance and potential safety hazards. Regularly clean the battery terminals with a mixture of baking soda and water, followed by a thorough rinse with distilled water. Ensure that the terminals are dry before reconnecting the battery to the forklift. If corrosion and dirt are a persistent problem or too difficult to clean by hand, talk to us about doing a battery wash to get your equipment in tip top shape.

4. Store Batteries Properly

When not in use, storing your electric forklift batteries correctly is vital to maintaining their lifespan. Store them in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and heat sources, as extreme temperatures can lead to battery degradation. If storing for an extended period, ensure the battery is fully charged and check its charge level regularly, recharging as needed to prevent deep discharge.

5. Equalize Batteries Regularly

Battery equalization is a process that helps balance the cells within a battery, ensuring they all hold an equal charge. This process should be done approximately once every 5-10 charging cycles, depending on usage. Equalizing the battery can prevent stratification—a condition where the electrolyte separates into layers—and ensure that the battery maintains its full capacity. Many modern chargers have built in profiles that can self perform this function so that it is not a manual process.

6. Monitor Battery Health

Using a battery management system (BMS) can help you keep track of your battery’s health. These systems provide real-time data on the battery’s charge level, temperature, and overall condition, allowing you to address any issues before they become serious problems. Regular monitoring can prevent unexpected failures and extend the overall lifespan of your forklift battery. One of the most difficult things is taking the time to review and understand the data you receive.

7. Train Your Staff

Ensuring that your team is trained on proper battery maintenance practices is essential for extending battery life. Provide training on how to charge, clean, and handle batteries safely. Encourage employees to report any issues immediately, such as unusual smells, leaks, or corrosion, to prevent minor problems from escalating.

8. Replace Batteries When Necessary

Even with the best maintenance practices, electric forklift batteries will eventually reach the end of their useful life. Knowing when to replace them is crucial to maintaining the performance and safety of your forklifts. If the battery is no longer holding a charge or showing signs of excessive wear, it’s time to invest in a replacement.


Proper care and maintenance of your electric forklift batteries are essential for maximizing their lifespan and ensuring the efficiency and safety of your operations. By following these tips, you can reduce downtime, save on costs, and keep your forklifts running at their best for years to come. Remember, a well-maintained battery is the key to a well-functioning forklift. Swift Industrial Power has multiple scheduled maintenance offerings in order to help our customers better care for their equipment. Some customers have personnel on site that can handle the day to day tasks of watering and inspection and just bring us in for Preventative Maintenance visits. Others need more assistance and would rather contract out the care for the product. Either way, we can tailor a maintenance and care plan for the customers specific needs. See more on our services on our website!

Battery Lifespan